Dated: 2/06/2021
View the Minister of Conservation’s media statement about the new whitebaiting regulations, our president’s media statement in response, and a summary of information about the changes. The changes take effect this (2021) whitebaiting season. Find out more >>
West Coast Whitebait & Whitebaiting
We assist our members by providing information and news on whitebait fishing, legislation issues and charges on the West Coast of New Zealand, as well as general advice about whitebaiting.
On this site you will learn more about the West Coast Whitebaiters Association, discover delicious whitebait recipes, and find links to the whitebait fishing regulations and tide tables.
For any comments or queries, or if you would like to advertise on our site, you’re welcome to make contact with us.
This video about whitebaiting was shot on the Waitangi River, Whataroa, and features Peter, a long-time whitebait fisher. It’s a passion of Peter’s to fish the whitebait season each year, doing so in all kinds of weather, while observing the whitebaiting regulations. Peter, along with many families in this area, have fished since they were very young. They grew up with it. Whitebaiting is a past-time and a way of life which should be enjoyed by all.